going back to africa

Reunifying African diaspora across the Americas with each other, their pride, history, culture, true homes & identity…

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White Fragility in conclusion

White people often believe that multicultural / anti-racist education is only necessary for those who interact with “minorities” or in “diverse” environments. However, the dynamics discussed here suggest that it is critical that all white people build the stamina to sustain conscious & explicit engagement with race. When whites posit race as non-operative because there are few, if any, PoC in their immediate environments, Whiteness is reinscribed ever more deeply. When whites only notice “raced others,” we reinscribe Whiteness by continuing to posit Whiteness as universal & non-Whiteness as other. Further, if we can’t listen to or comprehend the perspectives of PoC, we cannot bridge cross-racial divides. A continual retreat from the discomfort of authentic racial engagement results in a perpetual cycle that works to hold racism in place. While anti-racist efforts ultimately seek to transform institutionalized racism, anti-racist education may be most effective by starting at the micro level.

 The goal is to generate the development of perspectives & skills that enable all people, regardless of racial location, to be active initiators of change. Since all individuals who live within a racist system are enmeshed in its relations, this means that all are responsible for either perpetuating or transforming that system. However, although all individuals play a role in keeping the system active, the responsibility for change is not equally shared. White racism is ultimately a white problem & the burden for interrupting it belongs to white people. Conversations about Whiteness might best happen within the context of a larger conversation about racism. It is useful to start at the micro level of analysis & move to the macro, from the individual out to the interpersonal, societal & institutional. Starting with the individual & moving outward to the ultimate framework for racism – Whiteness – allows for the pacing that is necessary for many white people for approaching the challenging study of race. In this way, a discourse on Whiteness becomes part of a process rather than an event.

 Many white people have never been given direct or complex information about racism before & often cannot explicitly see, feel, or understand it. PoC are generally much more aware of racism on a personal level, but due to the wider society’s silence & denial of it, often do not have a macro-level framework from which to analyze their experiences. Further, dominant society “assigns” different roles to different groups of color & a critical consciousness about racism varies not only between individuals within groups, but also between groups. For example, many African Americans relate having been “prepared” by parents to live in a racist society, while many Asian heritage people say that racism was never directly discussed in their homes. A macro-level analysis may offer a framework to understand different interpretations & performances across & between racial groups. In this way, all parties benefit & efforts are not solely focused on whites (which works to re-center Whiteness).

 Talking directly about white supremacy & privilege, in addition to providing much needed information & shared definitions, is also in itself a powerful interruption of common (& oppressive) discursive patterns around race. At the same time, white people often need to reflect upon racial information & be allowed to make connections between the information & their own lives. Educators can encourage & support white participants in making their engagement a point of analysis. White Fragility doesn’t always manifest in overt ways; silence & withdrawal are also functions of fragility. Who speaks, who doesn’t speak, when, for how long & with what emotional valence are all keys to understanding the relational patterns that hold oppression in place. Viewing white anger, defensiveness, silence & withdrawal in response to issues of race through the framework of White Fragility may help frame the problem as an issue of stamina-building & thereby guide our interventions accordingly.

Albert Einstein: The Negro Question

Albert Einstein addressed what was called, in 1946, “The Negro Question” in another document belonging to the so-called ‘Dead Sea Scrolls of physics’.

“I am writing seriously and warningly,” he began, before noting that as a newcomer to America, he might not have the right to speak “about things which concern Americans alone, and which no newcomer should touch.”

But “I do not think such a standpoint is justified,” Einstein wrote. “One who has grown up in an environment takes much for granted. On the other hand, one who has come to this country as a mature person may have a keen eye for everything peculiar and characteristic.”

One characteristic Einstein observed as that the American “sense of equality and human dignity is mainly limited to men of white skins.”

“Even among these there are prejudices of which I as a Jew am clearly conscious,” he continued, “but they are unimportant in comparison with the attitude of the ‘Whites’ toward their fellow-citizens of darker complexion, particularly toward Negroes. The more I feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.”

Einstein then addressed the complaints of those who have had “unfavorable experiences…living side by side with Negroes” which have led them to believe “they are not our equals in intelligence, sense of responsibility, or reliability.”

“I am firmly convinced that whoever believes this suffers from a fatal misconception,” he wrote. “Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.”

Einstein maintained that this position was, in part, a conditioned response that Americans had “unconsciously absorb[ed] as children from [their] environment.” But he implored them to not only be better — but to be better than the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

“The ancient Greeks also had slaves,” he wrote. “They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences. And yet Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, declared slaves inferior beings who were justly subdued and deprived of their liberty. It is clear that he was enmeshed in a traditional prejudice from which, despite his extraordinary intellect, he could not free himself.”

“We must try to recognize what in our accepted tradition is damaging to our fate and dignity,” Einstein concluded, “and shape our lives accordingly. I believe that whoever tries to think things through honestly will soon recognize how unworthy and even fatal is the traditional bias against Negroes.”


Einstein sitting on the front steps of his home in Princeton c. 1950

Einstein sitting on the front steps of his home in Princeton c. 1950

White Man’s Burden

Racial tensions have been high once again across the United States ever since the announcement that the infamous former Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Protests on the ground & all over social media continue. Endless comments on various news outlets & social networks have been showing much of America’s true colors regarding their sentiments about race, aside from their personal takes on the Grand Jury’s decision not to charge Wilson with a crime.

This is a common theme I’ve noticed for many years now. Almost every news article you can find on any news site about a person of African descent, whether it be good or bad, has a plethora of disparaging remarks left by readers regarding their race. You will rarely find the same occurrence of similar style comments about whites. Trolls are everywhere, and some will say that we shouldn’t believe that these comments reflect the mindsets of most of white America; But could they?

In response to many of the common questions & negative comments made towards people of African descent, I thought I would list a few of the more popular ones I’ve encountered & answer or respond to them:

Q: Why are you people acting like children, rioting & looting, destroying your own neighborhoods? It’s not going to change anything & neither will the boycotts! Why are you protesting over a thug anyway?! He deserved what he got!

A: First off, only a very small percentage of protestors out of thousands all over the country have been damaging/stealing property (I prefer to call them opportunists, as they were not really there to fight injustice, but to take advantage of the situation for selfish reasons) & there has been speculation that many of the fires that were started had been done so by infiltrators in attempts to demonize black people in the media. Video footage of what appears to be police officers starting a fire has also surfaced. Almost every fire during the protests occurred on that same street, where there was a heavy police presence, which would have made it very difficult or highly unlikely that protestors were able to gain access to these buildings to start the fires themselves. A church that was burned was one that the Brown family attended, which was 3 miles away from the rest of the protests & no other buildings in the area were targeted & in the case of DeAndre Joshua, a 20 year old man found shot & burned in a car during the Ferguson protests, have both been speculated to be the work of the KKK. Joshua was a witness that testified before the Grand Jury, and was also a friend of Michael Brown’s.

Secondly, I & many others, including a majority of the protestors do not condone such behavior, so it makes no sense to apply the actions of a very small few to the overwhelming majority of peaceful protestors. It also makes no sense to only focus on those few bad ones, as it takes away from the message that the peaceful ones are trying to convey. It’s also quite inhumane to be more concerned with replaceable & repairable property than with the loss of an irreplaceable life, or the lives in this country who face racism on a regular basis. The protests are not only about Michael Brown’s incident either, but being denied a trial that many felt he deserved. They are also the result of built up frustration from a large number of other similar, recent & historical incidents & the obviously biased & broken judicial system. Many of the protests have been in honor of other people who died as a result of police brutality as well.

Thirdly, reports are stating that the boycotts & protests have made a great impact on Black Friday this year, with many stores not reaching their sales goals. The Montgomery Bus Boycotts went on for nearly a year, but in the end, laws were changed & it put America one step closer to racial equality. So some may already be convinced that doing boycotts will not help with the cause, but history proves otherwise.

Q: Why can’t you be more like Martin Luther King, Jr, who was peaceful & spoke of non-violence? He would be turning in his grave right now…

A: MLK was a great man who did many great things & America has not seen another black leader aside from Malcolm X that made such a widespread, positive impact on the movement for civil rights [Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton are both agents & clowns also used to make blacks look bad. All of their ideals do not reflect that of most Africans in America]. However, let’s not forget who sent these honorable men to those graves & for what reasons.

Many white people seem to have the delusion that if black people in general were more educated, well-mannered, well-dressed & law-abiding, productive citizens, our blackness will magically become impossible to be seen by our oppressors & we would all finally start being treated like equals. King & X were all those things but killed anyway. It doesn’t matter how peaceful or successful black people are, we are often still mistreated based on our race alone. There’s a popular saying by Einstein, that it’s insanity to do the same thing over & over again & expect the same result. MLK & X did make changes, but obviously they weren’t enough & different tactics need to be tried. What those are exactly isn’t yet known, but the boycotts & protests are a start. But to suggest for blacks to be more like King, who played nice & was murdered anyway, is basically telling us to shut up & die. King spoke out against whom he referred to as the “white moderate” & once he started to realize that his methods for equality were largely a mistake & began to express as much, he was killed shortly after. So please, from now on – do not bring him up in regards to our fight against racial injustice. Instead, suggest solutions that will actually work this time around, that we & our children would be alive to benefit from.

Q: Slavery was such a long time ago, so why not let it go? You weren’t a slave! Things are different today, we’re all equal now. So stop playing the victim, pulling the “race card” & blaming whitey for your messed up life! Nobody owes you anything! Plus, Africans sold their own people into slavery so we’re not to blame!

A: Yes, slavery was a long time ago, but another delusion of many whites is that the mistreatment of blacks ended along with it. Many years of peonism & mass incarceration of blacks on false & trumped up charges followed. Segregation only ended about 50yrs ago. Discriminatory banking practices, redlining & gentrification continue in present day. There are still glaring racial disparities in the judicial system. So things really aren’t all that different. The benefits of slavery are still being reaped today (you see can examples of how in my last post), but not by blacks. It must also be remembered that slavery went on for hundreds of years & even though not all whites back then owned slaves, they sat by reaping the benefits, allowing it to continue for centuries. It would be very ignorant to believe that those same types of mindsets do not still exist today in large numbers. The unequal treatment of blacks should be evidence enough, but many bigots would claim that it’s of no fault but our own.


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I’ve also noticed that most whites, when brought up the subject of racism, they automatically assume that to do so means our lives are screwed up & that we believe it’s entirely the fault of white people. I’m sure there are a few blacks that feel that way, but the rest of us know that’s not reality. Successful Africans in America still face discrimination too, so it’s ignorant to believe that it is only disadvantaged blacks who believe that racism is still a serious issue.

Many of the common problems that plague black communities do have origins in the systematic racism that blankets blacks entire history since the days of slavery, all the way up to present day. It was whites who created the environment for the “race card” to even exist by not treating everyone equally from the beginning. They made the race card & dealt it to us; When we are suspicious of racism in certain situations, it’s not “pulling the race card”, it’s genuine diffidence based on history & personal experiences. These past & ongoing experiences have proven to us that in many instances, we are correct in our beliefs that we are being discriminated against. Ironically, many racists will reject the possibility of discrimination if they believe the victims of it were deserving of mistreatment & will pull the race card themselves if they believe that a black person has advanced due to their race alone, not because they actually deserve it:


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And yes, it is a fact that some corrupt African Moors sold their own people into slavery, but that in no way shape or form explains or excuses Europeans barbaric participation. Some whites honestly believe that this fact lessens or eliminates the responsibility of their past involvement. Well, it doesn’t – not even slightly. Also, what many who bring this up almost always fail to mention, is that in a majorityf of those instances, African leaders were manipulated with alcohol, supplied by Europeans, in order to obtain slaves. Another tactic they used was supplying tribes with weapons to attack neighboring tribes with & they’d then buy prisoners of war.

Africans did utilize slavery, however they weren’t known for treating their slaves with brutality like Europeans were. Mansa Musa – the richest man who ever lived, an African – owned thousands of slaves who were not mistreated, wore silks & gold, drank beer.. Oppressed still, but a much higher quality of life than the slaves of America. And again, Africans in America, nor are Africans in Africa, benefiting from slavery or systematic racism that was & is being practiced in the USA like whites still are to this day.

There have been studies that show trauma can be inherited & that fear can be passed down through generations via DNA. Behavior can be affected by events in previous generations which have been passed on through a form of genetic memory, animal studies suggest. So although none of the more recent generations of Africans in America have ever been slaves or faced the horrors their ancestors did, it doesn’t mean they aren’t able to internalize the emotions linked to those circumstances. This could also explain some blacks natural aversions to whites. There’s also this thing called being human, which means you have the ability to feel passionately about things even if they didn’t happen to you.

Q: What about stuff like BET, Miss Black America & HBCU’s? If you want to be treated like everyone, why do you separate yourselves? You’re all the real racists!

A: All of those were implemented due to being regularly excluded, not to create an even wider racial divide. Where we were not invited or welcome, we had to create our own versions. You’d think that would be pretty easy to figure out. Things like that still exist today because we are still not included in many ways. At pretty much any major grocery chain or drugstore’s registers, you will rarely ever see people of color gracing the covers of the magazines. Shows like Friends & Seinfeld had virtually no black characters, not even the extras used in the backgrounds. The acceptance rates for minorities at most non-HBCU colleges & universities in America remain very low. Virtually all popular superhero’s are white. Every Barbie commercial mainly features their white dolls, only showing their dolls of other races during the last few seconds & usually positioned in the background, behind the white one who is front & center. It took Disney 72 years to create a black princess & then chose one who kissed a frog – even portraying her as one for the bulk of the film – when in the original fable, the princess never turned into a frog. So even our children are being exposed to white supremacy, showing what the people in this country look like who are valued most, from their early years.

Q: What about “Black-on-Black crime“? You only care when non-black people kill blacks, but not when you kill each other? That’s racist! You need to take care of that problem before you start criticizing others for doing the same!

A: 84% of violent crimes committed against whites are done so by other whites, yet they never bring up their “white-on-white crime” problem. Most violent crimes happen within racial lines, not across them. Aside from that, it’s completely ridiculous to believe that blacks do not care when they lose a loved one by the hands of another black person. The difference is, when blacks kill other blacks, we know that it’s not racially motivated. Most crimes amongst blacks in low-income areas is economically based which stems from capitalism & many generations of systematic racism as well. When people are starving & lacking opportunities, they sometimes resort to desperate measures.

Of course race isn’t a factor in every instance where blacks are harmed or killed by white police, but history has shown us that when it is, the chances that race is a factor are more likely than not. It’s also completely ridiculous to use the theorized black-on-black crime epidemic to downplay the fact that minorities are targeted much more by law enforcement than whites, or as an excuse to make it seem like it should be okay for everybody else to kill blacks too. That’s sick…

Q: If you don’t like it  here, why don’t you leave (go back to Africa)?

A: This is probably the most disrespectful & extremely racist question of all. Africans were brought to this country against their will, stripped of their history, identity, languages & cultures, forced to build this country up without compensation for hundreds of years, all the while being treated like shit (separated, murdered, lynched, burned alive, castrated, all this often times in front of other family members, etc) with very little to no appreciation or remorse expressed in the aftermath, on top of further mistreatment. We’re the ones who have been continuously & very deeply wronged, but it is us that should go??

It would make a whole lot more sense to tell racists to stop treating us as lesser, or suggest that they leave instead, but the mind of a bigot is anything but logical. Don’t they realize that to believe such a thing is the equivalent to thinking that if women want to lower their risk of being sexually harassed or raped, they should never leave home, wear skirts, or avoid being in the presence of men? Or that a youth who is being bullied should the be one to switch schools, or be home-schooled, or ignore the abuse, grow a pair & “get over it”? Perhaps they do & that’s why they make such heartless statements…

All that most Africans in America really want is to be treated according to their character, not their skin colors. They want safe places to raise their children; an environment where they don’t have to teach them how to protect themselves from the very people who are meant to protect them. Is that really so much to ask??

— What makes part of all this the burden of the white man is that although I’m sure many of them are grateful for their privilege, many are in denial that it even exists, nor would they want to let it go by helping to fight for the discriminated to gain equality. It’s not a goal that can be reached without the help of the whites who are perpetuating this privilege & comfortably allowing it to go on, like they did in the past with slavery & the following decades of injustices.

It is a difficult task, it’s uncomfortable & I’m sure many would lose a great deal of friends & family over joining in on the movement. For many whites, it would not be worth it, because it doesn’t negatively impact their lives & they are not willing to disrupt their own for the greater good. Aside from those types, there are many whites who are indeed allies of minorities & sympathize with their struggles, who may still be greeted with distrust & prejudices from minorities. Not saying that it’s right, but it should be understandable & forgivable. With history & personal experiences usually being the cause of such prejudices, it’s not baseless or irrational like pure racism is.

Racism isn’t only pure hatred; It can also be fear, apathy & silence. I am in hopes that this read gives Americas racists a different perspective & possibly help lessen or eliminate their mental illness that is racism & join the movement towards equality, so that America & the rest of the World can be a better place for all of us & future generations…

Reverse Racism: DEBUNKED

Racism consists of both prejudice & discrimination based on social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.

Prejudice is a feeling of dislike towards a racial or ethnic group & discrimination is action taken to harm those whom you have prejudices against. The only persons on the planet who suffer from institutionalized prejudices are people of color (PoC), i.e. those of African descent, indigenous peoples, ‘Mexicans‘ & Asians (including those that are mixed with one or more of these ethnic groups), under the guise of white supremacy.


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Historically & including modern society, all of these groups have been oppressed based solely on their race/ethnicity by those who had the power & strong enough desire to do so: white people. Via laws, social norms, ideals & customs, discrimination has been institutionalized & has been able to continue by shared beliefs in white supremacy, which rationalizes racist actions & mindsets. White privilege is the fact that all white people benefit from the ongoing legacy of practiced racism (whether they are personally racist or not). Those who do not believe that white privilege exists are those who have failed to grasp a full understanding of it, or consciously dismissed the concept. White people often tell black people not to attribute slavery to their current situations & positions despite the fact that slavery & the following systematic racism is how whites got into theirs!


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Reverse racism does not exist because PoC do not have any institutions in operation that specifically work against whites that they are able to benefit from, nor is there any historical evidence to suggest that any attempts to do so by PoC have ever been made. The reverse racism theory was concocted as a weak defense for white supremacist ideals. The reverse of racism would be NO racism at all, would it not? Some PoC are indeed prejudiced against whites, but even that is mainly based on generation after generation of them living under the institutionalized racism that is white supremacy. It’s not like racism, which is irrational & oppressive.

None of us asked to be born, nor did we get to choose our race. We are not responsible for the actions of our ancestors, but today’s whites do hold responsibility for allowing white supremacy to continue. If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So just living comfortably within white privilege without actively attempting to put systematic racism to an end makes you no better or different than your predecessors who crafted it.

Being able to enjoy the benefits of white privilege does not mean that all white peoples lives are, or have the capability of being ‘perfect’ – everyone has problems. That doesn’t mean that the benefits can’t be reaped in the other various layers of a white persons life. Having an inherit unfair advantage doesn’t mean you’ll always win. There are lots of minorities who are doing far better than many whites. Whites can face oppression too via sexism & homophobia (just like straight black men are able to benefit from straight & male privileges), but they cannot face oppression based on their race alone because again, there isn’t any racism being institutionalized against them (not even the Irish). There’s really no debating who is being oppressed more (& in much harsher ways) than who; that is crystal clear…

Programs like welfare & Affirmative Action, or the NAACP (which was actually established & controlled by white Jews) were enacted to help people overcome the obstacle of institutionalized racism (not to expand racial inequalities or seek preferential treatment), but they have not succeeded in eliminating white supremacy & about 40% of welfare recipients are whites & that’s who welfare was originally erected to help, not PoC. Also, white women have been the largest benefactors of Affirmative Action.

There is no doubt in my mind that many whites are actually more than happy to pay into the welfare system, which many times has the tendency to cause it’s recipients to become apathetic. This retains them in low income neighborhoods, which keeps them out of many predominately white, economically sound communities. It also gives them a way to play victim & complain that their hard work & taxes are ‘taking care of’ welfare recipients. Quoting Dick Gregory, regarding the term neighborhood: a hood is something you put over something else that you don’t want anybody to see. They’d much rather PoC be in the slums & out of their sight, than living just as well as them & their children playing with & procreating with their sons & daughters.

Claiming to be “colorblind” (to not recognize people by their race at all) is actually quite disrespectful & also an act of racism. It prevents people from acknowledging & being sympathetic to all the struggles of PoC, erasing their cultures, history & personal experiences. Pretending that we’re all equal now because Obama is POTUS & Oprah is a billionaire & that just not talking about race at all will make racism magically go away, is a less than half-assed attempt to rid the world of racial injustices. Different ethnic backgrounds & cultures are real & do exist, so to be colorblind (albeit well intentioned) & overlook them is to deny part of a persons identity & is passively racist. Diversity is not the root of racism, white supremacy is.


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So if you’re white & reading this, now fully aware of your privilege & that reverse racism is nothing more than a myth & you are genuinely a decent person, you will use your privileges to help put an end to white supremacy. This requires reeducating other whites who are in denial & actively pursing other ways to stop racial injustices from continuing. Without such efforts, true equality will never exist!

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor ~ Desmond Tutu

Map: The Africa without Ebola


(Anthony England / @EbolaPhone)

November 3

Ebola is a frightening, unpredictable disease. Nearly 5,000 West Africans have died from the current outbreak with more than 13,000 people thought infected.

However, so far the problem remains largely limited to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Two other countries, Nigeria and Senegal, have had cases, yet are now Ebola-free. The DR Congo had an outbreak of a different strain of Ebola that now looks like it might be contained. And while there has been one case of the disease in Mali, the patient died and no others have been confirmed at the time of writing — though that may well change.

Despite clear geographical limits to the Ebola outbreak, many Americans seem confused. How else could you explain the recent Ebola scare that kept two children who had moved from Rwanda to New Jersey from attending school, despite the fact the East African country is Ebola-free (and further from West Africa than New Jersey is to Texas)? Or the resignation of a teacher in Kentucky due to a backlash to her traveling to Kenya? Or the significant cancellation of tourist trips to places like Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa?

These countries are nowhere near the West African countries where Ebola is actually a problem. Frustrated by this, Anthony England, a British chemist who earned a doctorate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has spent a significant amount of time in sub-Saharan Africa, decided to make a map to help explain what countries currently have Ebola cases and which don’t. You can see the map above.

England has some relevant back story here as well: “I used to run scientific conferences in West Africa, to make leading scientific researchers, and problem solvers in general, in the West all the more aware of the pressing concerns of the developing world,” he explains in an e-mail. While his company, Mangosteen, ultimately wound down almost 10 years ago, he now sees the Ebola outbreak as proof that the West needs to pay more attention to what happens in Africa.

“In the case of this Ebola outbreak, a problem which does not yet have a scientific solution and which started in a village in the developing world is actually visiting New York City and the West,” he writes. “Eventually the rich world will realize that it makes no sense to leave one part of the world struggling in poverty with such terrible national infrastructures. Before it’s done, this Ebola outbreak might teach them all that.”

Ultimately, it was frustration that led England to make the map and share it on his Twitter account, which he uses to post information about Ebola. It has since spread around the Internet, with his initial post retweeted hundreds of times.

“Ignorance & misinformation is a big problem with Ebola. So a clueless Kentucky school causing the resignation of a teacher because she spent time in Kenya is just idiocy,” he writes, “And that idiocy leads to fear which leads to people like Chris Christie implementing nonsensical anti-science quarantine restrictions. Ebola in the U.S. is becoming a farce.”

Of course, there are some caveats to the map. England’s decision to not include Mali or the DR Congo, despite the fact neither have been declared free of Ebola, has caused some thoughtful criticism. England writes that he understands the criticism, but his point still stands: “There are only 3 problem countries, and the world needs to know that,” he explains. It’s a fair point. Africa is a vast, under-covered continent and Westerners often have trouble understanding its geography. To put Africa’s size into perspective, this map was created by Kai Krause.


Fore skin and seven years ago…

i-has…Our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. However, for many, if you’re a man & you’re not circumcised, you’re not considered equal!! Whether you believe that the human form was brought about by intelligent design, or by natural selection/evolution, it would seem most would believe that at least during one time in history, the foreskin was necessary. Humans have a few parts that have been deemed vestigial, but what is unknown to many, the foreskin is anything but! Here is a list of benefits & functions of the foreskin:

  •  Full penis length & circumference. The “prepuce” (foreskin) constitutes 50% or more of the skin system of the penis. If unfolded and spread flat, the average adult foreskin measures 10-14 square inches, or about the size of an index card. The foreskin creates a visibly longer penis, especially when the foreskin extends beyond the head of the penis. Also, the double-layered tissue of the foreskin engorges with blood during erection & creates a visibly & sensually thicker shaft & glans.When the engorged foreskin retracts behind the coronal ridge of the glans, it often creates a wider & more pronounced “ridge” that many partners find especially stimulating during penetrative intercourse. The circumcised penis appears truncated & thinner than a full-sized intact penis.
  • Protection. The sleeve of tissue known as the foreskin normally covers the glans & protects it from abrasion, drying, callusing (keratinization), and environmental contaminants. The glans is intended by nature to be a protected internal organ, like the female clitoris. The effect of an exposed glans & resulting keratinization on human sexual response has never been studied. Increasing reports by men circumcised in adulthood indicate that keratinization causes a loss of sexual sensation, pleasure and fulfillment.
  • Ridged bands. The inner foreskin contains bands of densely innervated, sexually responsive tissue. They constitute a primary erogenous zone of the human penis & are important for realizing the fullness & intensity of sexual response.
  • Gliding action. The foreskin is the only moving part of the penis. During any sexual activity, the foreskin & glans work in unison; their mutual interaction creates a complete sexual response. In heterosexual intercourse, the non-abrasive gliding of the penis in & out of itself within the vagina facilitates smooth & pleasurable intercourse for both partners. Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one-way valve, dragging vaginal lubricants out into the drying air & making artificial lubricants essential for non-painful intercourse.
  • Specialized sensory tissue. In addition to the ridged bands previously mentioned, thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors (Messiner’s corpuscles) constitute the most important sensory component of the penis. The foreskin contains branches of the dorsal nerve & between 10,000-20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which are capable of sensing slight motion & stretch, subtle changes in temperature & fine graduations in texture.
  • The frenulum. This is a highly nerve-laden web of tissue that tethers the inner foreskin to the underside of the glans. It is similar to the frenula found under the tongue, the upper lip & the clitoral hood (female foreskin). For many intact men, the penile frenulum is a male G-spot that is highly pleasurable when repeatedly stretched & relaxed during sexual activity. Depending on the surgical method used, the frenulum is partially to completely destroyed by circumcision.
  • Proper blood flow. The foreskin contains several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery & branches of the dorsal artery. The loss of this rich vascularization interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft & glans of the penis, damaging the natural function of the penis & altering its development.
  • Immunological defense. The soft mucosa of the inner foreskin produces plasma cells, which secrete immunoglobulin antibodies & antibacterial & antiviral proteins, such as the pathogen-killing enzyme called lysozyme. All of the human mucosa (the linings of the mouth, eyelids, vagina, foreskin & anus) are the body’s first line of defense against disease. This benefit of the foreskin could be one possible explanation why intact men are at lower risk of chlamydia & other sexual transmitted diseases.
  • Langerhans cells. These specialized epithelial cells are a component of the immune system & may play a role in protecting the penis from sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS.
  • Proper lymph flow. The foreskin contains lymphatic vessels, which are necessary for proper lymph flow & immunological functioning.
  • Estrogen receptors. The foreskin contains estrogen receptors, whose purpose is not yet fully understood & needs further study.
  • Apocrine glands. These glands produce pheromones, natures invisible yet compelling signals to potential sexual partners. The effect of their absence on human sexual behavior has never been studied.
  • Sebaceous glands. The oils produced by these glands lubricate & moisturize the foreskin & glans, so that the two structures function together smoothly.
  • Dartos fascia. This is a smooth muscle sheath that underlies the scrotum, the entire penis & the tip of the foreskin. It is necessary for proper temperature regulation of the genitals (causing these structures to elongate in the heat & shrink in the cold). Approximately half of the Dartos fascia is destroyed by circumcision.
  • Natural texture & coloration of the glans. In the intact penis, the glans normally appears moist, shiny & pinkish-red to dark purple. These visual cues often attract & excite a sexual partner. The glans of a circumcised penis is dry, rough & often light pink to bluish-gray in color due to scarring.
  • Zero-risk of serious infection or surgical injury. Unfortunate male babies & boys who suffer botched circumcisions lose part or all of their penis from surgical mishap or subsequent infection. They are then sometimes ‘sexually reassigned’ by castration & transgender surgeries. They are relegated to a life of hormone therapy & are compelled to live their lives as pseudo-females, the success of which has never been fully assessed.
  • Zero-risk of death from surgery. Every year boys die from the complications of circumcision, a fact that the American circumcision industry ignores, obscures or downplays.
  • Electromagnetic cross-communication. Anecdotal reports suggest that, without the mucosa of its foreskin, the penis lacks the capacity for the subtle electromagnetic energy transfer that occurs during contact between two mucosa membranes (the vaginal walls & the exposed inner lining of the foreskin). Such contact contributes to the full experience of sexual pleasure. These reports deserve further scientific study.

So it’s ignorant & cruel to make a man feel unclean or undesirable if he hasn’t undergone the permanently mutilating procedure & there are no solid medical reasons (other than rare disorders) to put a baby boy through that, only religious, superficial, aesthetic ones!

Yoni Love 2

IGG Along with the rise of womens liberation came a boom in the porn industry. Due to this industry alone, in only about a single generation, most women & men today have been conditioned to prefer ladies to be completely hairless below the waist…

There are a few theories as to what brought this about, one of them being to expose more skin, for explicit value only. Another would be to appease their ‘Barely Legal’ fan base, to make ladies appear even younger. A study led by Judith Reisman & funded by the United States Department of Justice found that Playboy, Penthouse, & Hustler cartoons frequently contain sexual depictions of children. This content was introduced into Playboy one year after its founding & frequently featured incestuous themes. So the 2nd theory would not be so far-fetched…

Somehow the trend usurped a myth that it was an issue of hygiene & that’s all it is: a myth. Experts have warned that the look is at best, ill advised when it comes to one’s health down there. Long ago, surgeons figured out that shaving a body part prior to surgery actually increased, rather than decreased, surgical site infections. Pubic hair removal naturally irritates & inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds & when that irritation is combined with the warm moist environment of the genitals, it becomes a happy culture medium for some of the nastiest of bacterial pathogens, including streptococcus & MRSA.

Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing a cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion & injury, protection from bacteria & other unwanted pathogens. It may also carry some metaphysical benefits as well; Notice that we were created with hair densely covering our two creative spaces: our brains that create thoughts & ideas, & our sacred space that creates life & pleasure. It is your body; do with it what you will; we all have our personal preferences, but it’s foolish & cruel to make women (or men) feel unclean or unattractive if they don’t shave!!

Strong Like Bull


I have the utmost respect & admiration for the vegetarian & vegan movements & plan on becoming a member of the raw vegan community myself. Some of the tactics used to promote the lifestyle can be funny, crude & grotesque, albeit all true & thought-provoking regarding the issue.

However, I do not feel the moralistic angle of the debate is always a fair way to judge a persons eating habits vs. the health one. Not all vegans abstain from eating animals & their products for moral reasons; some of them only do it for vanity & to be trendy, not just healthy. Some still buy cars with leather seats, leather couches, buy down feather pillows & coats, wear leather, wool & fur clothing, shoes & accessories, etc.

Also, there are other ways to cause animals suffering & death without slaughtering them. Many food plants (even organic) are grown in soils that consist of animal feces & carcasses. Realistically, no matter what we consume, our lifestyles can still negatively impact other lifeforms, directly or indirectly. In the wild, many animals live in much harsher conditions & die much more brutal deaths than the ones human beings are giving them. Simply by not eating meat & dairy does not help stop these things from taking place. If you’re aware of these occurrences but aren’t actively doing anything to help stop it, are you really so much better? Think about it….

Yoni Love


Yoni – is the Sanskrit word for the vagina. It is also known as the divine passage, womb or sacred temple.

What is a Yoni Egg?

A Yoni Egg is a gemstone specially crafted into an egg shape. They come in a variety of materials from fossilized wood to quartz.

Why use them?

1. Feel more grounded and centered in yourself.

2. Be more in tune with your sensuous capacity.

3. Massage your yoni from the inside.

4. Increase your flow of sexual hormones.

5. Develop stronger orgasms.

6. Heighten the responsiveness of your G-spot.

7. Maintain healthy reproductive organs.

8. Prevent incontinence in later years.

9. Experience pleasant aliveness in your feminine center.

10. Heals the chakras.

They increase circulation of blood and energy in our Sacred Reproductive system. Use of the eggs increases the health of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, vulva and pelvic floor. Muscles are toned and you become more aware of your own Sacred Sensual and Sexual energy. As with any other form of exercise, regular yoni egg exercise increases circulation allowing for CHI energy to flow more freely. This enables the release of toxins and negative energy physically, spiritually and energetic from the body. Oh yeah and baby can we say increased and stronger ORGASMS. THAT is the POWER of the Yoni made aware by the Yoni Egg.

What info do I need to know to make my experience most effective and healthy?

Wherever you get your #yonieggs, make sure they are using REAL gemstones. Not fake, dyed, or coated materials. Some of the people who sell eggs are pushing products that are problematic. Its not only the treatment of the eggs. Its also that they are drilled to add strings or chains for easier removal. Drilled eggs leave room for bacteria to grow inside!

They also might use spiritual practices for “charging/clearing” that are disreputable and not safe. I would hate to buy a “shaman blessed” egg only to find out some man put his jizz on it and said its blessed. You feel me?

Be discerning! Get them online from reputable gem distributors. Talk to sistars who you know use the eggs and are true healers, not just money makers!!

Know that some stones are not for internal use.


These are a few stones that either breakdown or rust when immersed in water. Calcite leaves your yoni smelling odd and disrupts your vaginal flora.

Nothing is more watery than your Living Breathing Yoni and Womb!

Love and cherish her! Yes true love is written in the stone!

How to clean my Yoni Egg?

Step 1: Water and Soap! Just like washing your hands or body! Envision the water n soap washing away any debris or energy. You may begin use of your yoni egg. Or proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Smudging with smoke. You can burn incense or sage. You may begin use of your yoni egg. Or proceed to step 3.
Step 3: salt cleaning: you can use dry salt. Pour enough into a cup to cover the egg and leave it in the sun in a window or other sunny spot in your home.

How to use your Yoni Egg:

Insertion is easier with Coconut Oil or Olive Oil. Honey it is ALWAYS best when wet!

You can try this sitting on the edge of a chair or on your knees. I first inserted my egg on my back in bed. Bad go! Lol Igot up to my knees and proceeded. It was EASY! Depending on the size of your egg you will need certain advice.

For release:

Do NOT push! This is not birthing the way we have been taught. Pushing adds undue pressure to your womb! Instead sit with your hips and cheeks spread, cup your hand under you (if you decide to do this in the bathroom. Which i do!) and pull the muscles UP like you are trying to pull her in. At this time i will insert a finger to test and see what state my muscles are in. If they are tight, I know my yoni will need assistance! She is too tight/tensed to aid me. So i RELAX! And so does she, the muscles become pillowy soft! And now my contracting vaginal walls are yielding and the squeezing is pushing the egg out.

Always RELAX! And remember, sometimes the egg, yoni and womb veto you!! They decide when they are ready to release.

For more info and to purchase a yoni egg, visit SkylarkSpirit or Ashley’s Naturals


The Sad Clown…

Funnymen’s personalities are similar to those with mental health conditions.

Madcap antics may be part of a comedian’s on-stage persona.

But the madness may not be just an act, say researchers.

The ability to make people laugh comes from a personality of the kind displayed by those with bipolar disorder & schizophrenia.

Historically, the creativity of painters and playwrights has been linked to madness, but now British experts have found a link with comedians.

High levels of psychotic personality traits are behind the ‘sad clown’ facade of comedians like Robin Williams & Spike Milligan, who suffered manic-depressive episodes all his life.

Researchers from Oxford University and Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust say manic thinking helps join together ridiculous ideas that spark humor.

The stand-ups of a modern era are likely to have greater levels of extroversion – a form of impulsiveness – yet be more depressive & unsociable at the same time.

In fact, say the researchers, making people laugh may be a form of self-medication to alleviate a low mood.

Analysts say Robin Williams suffered from bipolar disorder though they cannot support it with enough evidence.

144788-originalThey argue that, manic depression was behind the performances in many of his movies. Williams would throw away the script & act out his heart. He was almost always the comedian in the movies, making fun of serious life issues.

One writer suggested that Robin suffered depression when he broke up with one of his former girlfriends & that it affected his stage performances. Another suggested Williams was depressed when he was dropped from Julliard.

A number of American comedians are able to harness whatever their mental state maybe be in order to create comedy gold.

Doug Stanhope is open about his alcoholism & often performs shows drunk. Whether or not this can bring out the best work in someone is delectable, but fans see it as part of their persona.

Daniel Tosh has an offbeat sense of humor & has openly stated that he suffers from social anxiety.

Professor Gordon Claridge, of the University of Oxford, who led the study, said: ‘Although schizophrenic psychosis itself can be detrimental to humour, in its lesser form it can increase people’s ability to associate odd or unusual things or to think ‘outside the box’.

‘Equally, manic thinking, which is common in people with bipolar disorder, may help people combine ideas to form new, original & humorous connections.’

Professor Claridge, with colleagues Victoria Ando & Ken Clark, persuaded 523 comedians – 404 men & 119 women – to take part in their study.

They were asked to complete a questionnaire designed to measure certain traits, such as: belief in telepathy & paranormal events; how easily distracted they are; their ability to feel social & physical pleasure, & their tendency towards impulsive behavior.

The questionnaire was also completed by 364 actors – another profession used to performing – & to a general group of 831 people who had non-creative occupations.

Comedians scored significantly higher on all four types of psychotic personality traits compared with the general group.

Most striking was their high scores for both extroverted, manic-like responses & socially introverted moodiness, says a report in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

Laugh & the world laughs with you, weep & you weep alone. – English proverb

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